Chapter 874 a mysterious woman inside cell?  

"you know what you have to do right?''Somewhere inside the nickson city two figures could be seen standing in front of the majestic manor!

"I understand young master Yohan, I'll relay your message as soon as I can!" Lucien responded to Yohan and with those words he disappeared from his sight leaving him in front of the Nichole Clan's manor, once lucien left Yohan took a deep breath and entered inside the manor to meet alma, but as he has taken few steps inside the manor he heard alma's voice in his head that took him by surprise! 'Yohan you need to see this...' Alma's voice sounded different than usual and more importantly she used her spiritual sense to contact him as if she were in some kind of dangerous situation!

'Are you alright?'Yohan asked, having a concerned look on his face while making his way inside the deeper part of the manor.

'I am fine, just come here as soon as you can!' he heard alma's voice again, Yohan's facial expressions slightly changed and then with lightning-fast speed he moved in the direction of Alma and in just a few moments he arrived at secluded place inside the Nichole clan manor, the place was completely shrouded in darkness and it was completely cut off from the main area of the mansion, he saw a door at the end of the corridor where he could feel Alma's presence along with one other presence!

"What is going on here?"Yohan whispered as he made his way through the door and to his surprise it was a passage that was leading him below the manor, Without wasting any time Yohan started descending through stairs and sometime later he finally arrived at the dark dilmy place that situated below the Nichole clan manor!

"Why does such a place exist inside this manor..." he whispered as he walked through various cells that were completely empty, his facial expressions were solemn as he couldn't able to process the current situation inside this place, sometimes later after walking a few moments Yohan finally saw alma who was facing one of the cell that is situated deeper part of this place, seeing her Yohan took a sigh of relief but soon his facial expressions changed when he noticed something that is existed beyond the iron cell!

Yohan's heart sunk seeing the person who was imprisoned inside that iron cell, he took few steps and reached where Alma was standing still while her gaze was directed to the woman who was all tied up inside the cell, her entire body was a mess as if she was beaten and treated horribly, there were so many bruises and marks could be seen on her white milky skin that is visible through the tattered clothes that were barely hiding her skin, Yohan Clenched both of his fist in rage, he couldn't able to see her head was in the direction of the wall of the cell. "Is she one of those slaves that were imprisoned inside those camps..."Sometimes later Alma, who was silent up until now mumbled as she looked at the woman who was lying on the cold ground unconscious.

"I don't think so..." Yohan exclaimed and with those words he moved closer to the cell and waved his hand instantly melting the iron rods of the cell, alma followed him from behind as she wanted to know who is this woman and how did she end up inside this horrible place but before that, she wanted to make sure if she okay or not!

Yohan approached that woman and carefully lifted her upper body while supporting the back of her head from his hand, and for the first time he saw this woman's face, She was beautiful, without wasting any time Yohan removed chains that were tied to her legs and hands, he freed her from shackles that were keeping her bound to this cell!

"Is she alright?''Alma asked in a worried manner while moving to the other side, Hearing her Yohan nodded his head in response.

"She is fine but she is feels like she hasn't eaten anything for days..." Yohan said as he moved his right palm to this women's face and gently touched her cheek, alma's face slightly turned red as she saw him touching this women's cheek but soon her facial expressions changed when yohan's hand started glowing in blue light and in an instant the entire dark cell lit up with blue light, alma eyes sparkled seeing such sight in front of her eyes after all she has never seen anything like that before,she felt warmth and calm in the exposure of this light that Yohan is radiating through his hand.

At the same time, the blue light started enveloping this mysterious woman's entire body from head to toe,soon her facial expressions started changing and there were movement in her fingers, sometimes later she started regaining the vitality and the bruises on her body started disappearing as Yohan started pumping his energy inside her in order to heal her, healing her was not a big thing for him afterall he was able to heal Evelyn who was on the verge of dying because of that cursed energy.

"You are healing her...''Alma was dumbfounded seeing those Mark's and wounds started healing right in front of her eyes,she had never heard that a cultivator could heal someone without using potions! action

"Yes, I am healing her!"Yohan casually responded to Alma while he kept pumping his energy through his palm inside her body and sometimes later finally the lady gasped and opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the face of a handsome young man who was holding her in his arms and looking into her eyes, but soon she snapped out and her facial expressions darkened,she tried to get away but Yohan stopped her from moving.

"It's okay I am not gonna hurt you, you are safe with me."Yohan tried to calm her with his words but she resisted him with fear.