"She is perfectly fine and currently staying inside the soul subspace with her sister, "Yohan responded as he looked at diya in a gentle manner,diya became confused when Yohan mentioned that she is staying with her sister afterall she didn't knew that Elsa has a sister.

"She has a Sister?"diya asked him, Yohan simply nodded his head.

"Yes she does, it's a long and complicated story I will tell you later, all that matters right now is that she is safe and staying inside the soul subspace" Yohan responded to her and turned his head and looked at Jasmine who was looking at him with longing gaze but for some reason, she was looking tired,diya exhale deeply.

"I told her to get some rest but she didn't listen to me, she is so stubborn"diya said looking in Jasmine's direction, an embarrassing look appeared on Jasmine's face hearing diya, Yohan approached her and took her hand in his hand before looking into her beautiful eyes.

"You have to be careful towards your health afterall one more life is living inside you," Yohan said as he kissed jasmine's forehead and gently caressed her belly, Maria slightly raised her eyebrows as she heard Yohan and seeing him caressing Jasmine's belly."She is the one who is pregnant with his child "A moment later Aana whispered in a low voice, an awkward smile appeared on Maria's face when she heard Aana.

"Both of them are still young, do you think it's a good idea of having a child?"Maria muttered in a low voice.

"Who knows, either way, it was her decision to conceive Yohan's child, when I asked him he was too reluctant to have kids but look at him now, he is looking so happy and I think he will be a great dad in future, I am also wondering...well it's nothing"Aana giggled but Maria's facial expressions slightly darkened as Aana stopped in midway as she was saying something, back inside the soul subspace when she was not Cultivating yohan's Yang qi it was maria who advised her not to do something that stupid, she forcefully made her cultivate yohan's yang qi.

"Do you think raising a kid an easy job, you have to discard everything in order to have the kid for yourself,you are already a heavenly soul realm cultivator and at this point, you should think about raising your Cultivation, you better not think about doing something that stupid, you are not fit to play a role of the mother" Maria frowned as she responded to Aana, Aana's facial expressions become darkened hearing Maria.

"How dare you, take your words back, how can you say something this means, from which angel do you think that I am not fit for having a kid, I have what it takes to be a proud mother" Aana exclaimed and she gave a threatening look to maria.

"In your dreams" Maria responded with a straight face.


"Are they fighting over something?"Natasha muttered as she looked in Maria and Aana's direction, Yohan, Jasmine and diya also tilted their heads and looked at these two, Yohan shook his head with a weird smile.

"Let them be, there is no point in meddling in their affair, I am pretty sure that they are arguing over something irrelevant," Yohan responded to Natasha and then he carefully looked at her.

"Your Cultivation base rose tremendously, "Yohan said in a surprised manner, Natsha's face turned and a proud look appeared on her face knowing he noticed her Cultivation base, Diya and Jasmine also smiled seeing that proud look on her face.

"Well it's thanks to you, this is all happened because of you, otherwise becoming a cultivator was far fetched dream for me, I gave up when I was a kid, not even in the wild dream have I ever thought that I will become cultivator let alone high-level cultivator until i met you, you changed everything, "Natasha said proudly and she continued.

"Either way I am excited to show you my strength that I gain recently after getting all those breakthroughs,"

Yohan merely smiled as he understood what she was talking about,a moment later he nodded his head in response.

"Of Course but before that tell me is everything alright here, did anything happened in my absence, "Yohan asked, the moment those words Escaped through his mouth an untold silence took place inside the room, Aana and Maria who were arguing over the topic of pregnancy also tilted their heads and looked in yohan's direction, both of them were paying attention to the conversation with Yohan and his partners despite arguing with each other's, seeing the silence Yohan face slightly become pale and he understand that something might happen when he was away from the clan, he took a deep breath and looked diya.

"What happened tell me?" he asked her because she is the one who can explain the situation better than Jasmine and Natasha without losing her calm, she has untold stability around her which makes her more reliable when things are complicated or serious and of course Yohan preferred her opinion over anyone else because she is his first partner and held an important place in his heart, jasmine and Natasha understand this very well and they respect her status as his first partner, a moment later Diya cleared her throat and looked Yohan in a serious manner.action

"It's related to your Aunt..."diya said, yohan's facial expressions changed and he looked diya in a confused manner.

"My aunt...what are you talking about, I don't have any aunt?" he responded while scratching his chin and pondered, as long as he remembered he don't have any aunts and Alena never told her that she has any sister nor grandpa Leon told him anything about that, he never mentioned that he has other children apart from Alena, other than that he also doesn't remember that his grandpa lin has any daughter so it was bit confusing for him.

"Let me explain to you, "Diya said to Yohan seeing that confused look and hearing those words from his mouth, she was expecting this afterall Alena already told her that she hasn't told him anything related to Aella, so he was pretty much clueless about Aella's identity, with a heavy breath diya started explaining everything from the start, Yohan's expressions started changing passing time as diya started explaining her encounter with her aunt and also told her about her aunt's identity as a warlord, Aana and Maria turned silent when they heard Aella's name and their facial expressions were telling that this is not the first time they heard about her but despite that, they still has the surprise look on their face for some reason.

At the same time, Yohan gulped nervously as it was too much for him to digest but now he remembered that once Alena told him that the Azazel clan has so many Warlords under their wings and the clan is infamous for nurturing talented individuals since many generations and all of those individuals serves under the imperial family, he remembered once Alena told him when they were inside the hundred poison valley that she was not talented like her cousins, that's the reason why she decided to leave the Azazel clan and start a normal life far away from the eastern region.

"Aunt Aella huh..."Yohan muttered and he clenched his fist in anger.