A purple light descended onto Luo Feng's corpse.

Within Liu Yan's mind, a large amount of Luo Feng's fragmented memories appeared.

After all, it was a corpse. Therefore, the memories obtained through the SS-grade skill, Soul Snatching, were quite fragmented and incomplete.

Nevertheless, it was sufficient for Liu Yan to gain a general understanding.

Liu Yan understood everything through Luo Feng's fragmented memories.

First was Luo Feng's memories of Lakon.

Liu Yan was quite curious about this. After all, he could learn some information about Lakon.

Liu Yan didn't know much about Lakon. He only knew that it was a planet similar to Blue Planet.

Through Luo Feng's memories, Liu Yan acquired insight into his journey and growth. As expected, it was a smooth path, showcasing Luo Feng's exceptional talent among geniuses.

After all, to be able to reach this step and become an expert, Luo Feng's talent was unquestionable.

Even though there were many beings much stronger than Luo Feng in Lakon Territory, those Lakonian were much older than Luo Feng and were all seniors.

The seniors on Blue Planet were even more powerful, as the experts of Lighthouse Territory had already successfully passed the trial and ascended to the seventh floor of the tower.

This meant that the current expert of the Lakon Territory, as well as the seniors of the Lighthouse Territory who were competing with them on the same platform, had already gone to the seventh floor or even higher.

Upon searching, Liu Yan discovered that Luo Feng's memories provided limited information about Lakon. The fragmented nature of the memories made it challenging for Liu Yan to comprehend.

Furthermore, Luo Feng's knowledge about Lakon was also scarce. Due to his innate talent and continuous cultivation, Luo Feng's understanding of Lakon was limited. Thus, Liu Yan faced even greater difficulty in grasping the details of Lakon through Luo Feng's fragmented memories.

Liu Yan shook his head, abandoning the idea of understanding Lakon through Luo Feng's memories.

Then, Liu Yan focused on exploring Luo Feng's memories after he entered the Tower, particularly his memories on the sixth level of the tower.

Luo Feng possessed formidable strength and progressed smoothly through the first five levels of the tower, rarely encountering any opponents.

Occasionally, he faced one or two opponents, but Luo Feng emerged victorious from each battle.Considering this, Luo Feng could be regarded as the most powerful presence among the Awakened from Lakon in this generation.

The thought brought some satisfaction to Liu Yan.

It was quite impressive to eliminate the strongest Awakened from Lakon in this generation.

However, Liu Yan quickly dismissed this thought, realizing that he had already grown to become the strongest expert among the Awakened on Blue Planet.

It seemed reasonable for the strongest Awakened from Planet Blue to kill the strongest Awakened from Lakon.

Then, Liu Yan continued to explore Luo Feng's memories to gain insights into Lakon Territory.

Luo Feng's memories contained limited information about Lakon Territory.

After all, Luo Feng had established contact with Lakon Territory only recently.

Subsequently, Liu Yan sporadically searched and gathered information about Lakon Territory.

First and foremost, it was revealed that Luo Feng had experienced a sudden increase of 2 stars in his combat strength and that was achieved through the Lakon Territory.

The method was quite simple, it involved a special building within Lakon Territory.

This special building could directly enhance the user's strength, using the bodies of various fierce beasts as materials.

Liu Yan didn't have much knowledge about the specific details of this special building, but based on Luo Feng's memories, Liu Yan wasn't very optimistic about it.

It seemed that it could directly enhance the user's strength, but how could such a good thing exist in the world?

If such a thing existed, all the Awakened wouldn't need to cultivate or gain experience. They could just rely on this special building to grow and become experts, right?

Liu Yan still firmly believed that strength needed to be earned through one's efforts, step-by-step cultivation, and experience. Only the strength obtained in this manner was solid and truly formidable.

In comparison, Liu Yan found the special building of the essence pool behind the Origin Territory more reliable. Although it couldn't directly enhance the user's strength, it could help the user unleash their potential and improve their strength in the future. That was a better path.

Subsequently, Liu Yan continued to explore the information about Lakon Territory through Luo Feng's memories.

Lakon Territory was a level 7 territory and was currently ranked among the top 1000 territories on the sixth level of the tower.

Moreover, recently, the strength of Lakon Territory had been increasing, and its ranking had been continuously improving.

Liu Yan learned that Lakon Territory had ambitious plans for this year. They aimed to break into the top 100, striving to participate in the final trial a year later to gain experience.If everything went well, in the following two to three years, they might pass the final trial and smoothly advance to the seventh level of the tower!

Liu Yan couldn't fully comprehend the exact strength of Lakon based on Luo Feng's memories. Even Luo Feng himself didn't have a complete understanding.

Liu Yan could only gain a general understanding from Luo Feng's fragmented memories that Lakon's strength was incredibly formidable. Among the individuals Luo Feng had encountered, there were more than ten experts with a combat strength of over 20 stars.

According to Luo Feng's memories, Liu Yan guessed that the strongest warrior of Lakon Territory had already reached a terrifying 25-star combat strength.

On the other hand, in the Lakon Territory, the combat strength of ordinary members might have already reached 15 stars. In the Lakon Territory, one had to have at least 20 stars of combat strength to be considered an expert!

Liu Yan gasped in shock, as he had previously understood that Lakon Territory was incredibly powerful. However, it wasn't until now that he realized the extent of the terrifying gap.

Currently, Liu Yan himself was the strongest in the Origin Territory, with an 18-star combat strength. As for the other strongest expert, like Allen Smith and others, they only had a combat strength of 13 stars.

The top experts of the Origin Territory, if placed in Lakon Territory, would probably be on par with the weakest individuals there.

Even Liu Yan himself, if placed in Lakon Territory, would only be considered an above-average ordinary member, far from being an expert. This clearly showed the enormous gap between the Origin Territory and Lakon Territory!

After realizing the vast difference between the Origin Territory and Lakon Territory, Liu Yan became even more aware that the current Origin Territory was no match for Lakon Territory.

In the face of the mighty Lakon Territory, the Origin Territory seemed minuscule and vulnerable.

Liu Yan knew that no matter what, he had to avoid Lakon Territory. He couldn't let Lakon Territory know about the existence of the Origin Territory.

As long as Lakon Territory remained unaware of the Origin Territory's existence and didn't discover it, the Origin Territory would be temporarily safe.

Afterward, the Origin Territory would urgently need to enhance its strength and narrow the gap between itself and Lakon Territory.

There would come a day when the strength of the Origin Territory would undoubtedly surpass that of the Lakon Territory, and then there would be no need to fear.

But for now, the key was to ensure that Lakon Territory didn't discover the existence of the Origin Territory.

Fortunately, through Luo Feng's memories, Liu Yan also understood that his previous plan was known only by Luo Feng and Luo Rui.

The other Lakonians in the Lighthouse Territory didn't know about this plan, nor did they even know the location of Lakon Territory.

Liu Yan felt relieved to some extent because only Luo Feng and Luo Rui were aware of this plan.

And Luo Feng and Luo Rui had both been personally taken care of by Liu Yan, so there was no need to worry.

What Liu Yan had to ensure was that the Lighthouse Territory would be disbanded, and all the members of the Lighthouse Territory would either disappear or stay in the Origin Territory. No one could be left out.

Although the members of the Lighthouse Territory were unaware of the existence of the Lakon Territory, they know about the Origin Territory.

If they were allowed to continue staying in the Lighthouse Territory, people from Lakon Territory could learn about the Origin Territory through them.

Therefore, Liu Yan also needed to ensure that there was no possibility of any member of the Lighthouse Territory revealing the location of the Origin Territory.