After Liu Yan parted ways with Huang Yuan, Lu Dajiang, and the others, he returned to the temporary camp of Team Origin.

Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's two squads set up camp next to Team Origin's temporary camp and began resting.

Although today's battle was generally successful, it was still a fierce one.

There weren't many casualties, but there were many injuries.

Even the members who weren't injured were exhausted and needed a good rest.

Before Liu Yan returned to Team Origin's temporary camp, he first informed the Withered Tree Spirit King to keep an eye on Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads.

If any team member attempted to leave, they were to be restricted immediately without causing harm, and Liu Yan would handle the situation personally.

For absolute safety, Liu Yan couldn't allow any member of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads to leave without permission.

Liu Yan had brought these two squads here to rest for this exact purpose.

On one hand, they could set up a temporary camp in the Withered Tree Spirit King's territory, which was relatively safe and free from the disturbance of fierce beasts and monster plants. It would facilitate the safe recovery and repairs of Lu Dajiang and Huang Yuan's squads.

On the other hand, it was also a way to monitor them and ensure that nobody could leave and potentially reveal information to Lakon Territory.

Although the members of these two squads might not be aware of the situation in Lakon Territory, they had experienced the intense battle between Team Origin and Team Lighthouse. There was a certain possibility that they would reveal the situation of Team Origin and bring danger to Team Origin. Hence, they could not be allowed to leave under any circumstances.

With the Withered Tree Spirit King's monitoring, it was foolproof. It ensured that no member of Huang Yuan's and Lu Dajiang's squad could leave.

Even Lu Dajiang and Huang Yuan, the two strongest experts with a combat strength of only 16-star, were no match for the Withered Tree Spirit King, which possessed an 18-star combat strength.

After instructing the Withered Tree Spirit King, Liu Yan proceeded to Team Origin's temporary camp.Upon hearing Liu Yan's arrival, the core members of Team Origin quickly gathered.

At this moment, the faces of the core members were still filled with joy.

After all, it had been extremely challenging to defend against Team Lighthouse's attack.

Not only did they successfully defend, but they also annihilated Team Lighthouse, which was a tremendous achievement.

Before this battle, the core members of Team Origin could never have imagined such a decisive victory.

Xu Han said, "Captain, we are so happy this time. Not only did we hold off Team Lighthouse's attack, but we also eliminated them, removing a potential threat. This allows us to focus on our future development."

Ye Yifan added, "That's right. If we only defend against Team Lighthouse's attack, after the territory barrier of the Origin Territory disappears, we will still be more passive and difficult. We will not be able to develop and increase our strength well."

Hans Wilson chimed in, "Now, the road ahead of us is filled with brightness."

He Yang added, "Haha, I never dreamt that we would achieve such a resounding victory in this battle."

Jin Cheng nodded, "It's all thanks to the exceptional leadership of our captain."

Luo Qingcheng nodded in agreement and said, "This battle not only resolved the significant threat posed by Lighthouse Territory but also brought us substantial gains and improvements in our strength."

Derek Dole expressed some concern and said, "The only remaining threat is the powerful Lakon Territory, which is something we cannot resolve."

Sun Wen added, "Yes, we must deal with this matter cleanly. We can't be careless."

Liu Yan understood Sun Wen's meaning and nodded in agreement, saying, "Don't worry, I have already instructed the Withered Tree Spirit King not to let anyone leave this place. Let's rest well today and handle the integration of their two squads. We can discuss the remaining team members in Lighthouse Territory and the disbandment of the Lighthouse Territory tomorrow."

Upon hearing Liu Yan's words, everyone finally felt relieved.

Xu Han said, "With the Withered Tree Spirit King taking care of this matter, I can rest assured."Ye Yifan added, "I was concerned that we wouldn't have enough strength to prevent them from leaving, but having the Withered Tree Spirit King makes it much more convenient."

Derek Dole expressed his hopes, "I hope we can smoothly integrate the two squads tomorrow without any further conflicts."

Sun Wen shared his observations, "I've noticed that their team members don't have much attachment to our Origin Territory, but both captains seem willing to join us."

Luo Qingcheng added, "As long as the team members are willing, everything will be much simpler. We can address their matters later."

Liu Yan nodded and said, "Let's discuss these matters tomorrow. Everyone has worked hard today, so let's rest well tonight. By the way, have we finished counting the losses and gains from this battle?"

Liu Yan looked towards Luo Qingcheng, who was responsible for tallying the casualties and gains after the battle.

Upon hearing, Liu Yan's question, the core members of Team Origin turned their curious gazes towards Luo Qingcheng, eager to learn about the losses and gains of the battle.

Luo Qingcheng smiled lightly and replied, "I have already completed the count, and I was about to report to you. First, regarding the casualties, our team members suffered numerous minor injuries over the past two days, with over 300 of them sustaining serious injuries. However, these have not affected us. Chu Long and other priests and healing potions can aid in their recovery. The main loss is in terms of the deceased. We have lost a total of 11 team members in the past two days."

A moment of silence fell over the scene.

In truth, considering the multiple large-scale battles over the past two days, losing 11 members was a relatively small number. If it were any other team facing such a significant disparity in strength and engaging in multiple battles, the number of casualties in each battle would likely surpass this figure.

With the hard work of the team members, they managed to reduce the number of casualties.

However, no matter how small this number was, it was still a loss.

Every member of Team Origin was carefully selected and endured various trials on the lower levels of the tower to reach this point. Each member possesses great potential, and with proper cultivation, they can grow into formidable experts and play crucial roles in Team Origin.

The loss of these team members undoubtedly represents a significant setback for Team Origin.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yan spoke up, "Casualties are inevitable in battles. We have done our best to prevent them, and now we can only accept the reality. Moving forward, we must strive to avoid further losses. For our fallen comrades, we will honor their memory by becoming stronger and going even farther. That is what truly matters for Team Origin."

The core members of Team Origin nodded in agreement and expressed their determination:

"Yes, we must look ahead."

"We must strive to go further."

"Only by becoming truly powerful can we prevent such situations in the future."

"Each of us must become stronger. It is through strength that we will progress!"