Chapter 968 The First Occurrence of Casualties

Liu Yan smiled helplessly upon hearing their comments. Indeed, there was a significant gap between Team Origin and Team Lighthouse.

Fortunately, even though the battle today was difficult, Team Origin managed to hold on and prevent a complete breakthrough of their defenses.

The most important thing was that Liu Yan had already found the captain of the Blue Planet squad and informed them about Luo Feng and the Lakonian conspiracy.

Liu Yan had already done everything he could for this plan. As for whether it would succeed, it would depend on Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang.

Soon after, Liu Yan led Team Origin back to the vicinity of the Withered Tree Spirit King to regroup and rest.

They had ventured deep into the Hallucinatory Forest and were a considerable distance away from Team Lighthouse.

If Team Lighthouse launched a sudden attack, there would be a certain buffer time at this distance. In addition, the Withered Tree Spirit could delay them for a certain amount of time, Team Origin would naturally have a certain amount of time to respond.

After the Team Origin returned to their temporary camp, they began to rest.

were completely insufficient.

Especially Chu Long and the other priests were all busy providing treatment.

Although Team Origin had acquired a considerable amount of healing resources from Luo Rui's squad earlier, there were too many injured members of Team Origin this time. Those healing potions were completely insufficient.

Although Team Origin possessed some healing potions of their own, most of them were of lower grades with average efficacy.

While minor injured members could be treated, it was clear that it would be impossible to heal severely injured members within a short period.

Liu Yan could only let Chu Long, and the other powerful priests did their best to provide healing.

Fortunately, Chu Long had the S-grade treasure, the Mysterious Fog Pearl, previously given to her by Liu Yan. The pearl not only enhanced her healing abilities but also helped Chu Long continuously replenish her depleted energy, allowing her to engage in non-stop healing.

Not long after, the core members of Team Origin had finished resting and came over to discuss the follow-up actions. Liu Yan noticed that Murong Xue wasn't even present, while He Yang, Jin Cheng, and the other experts had varying degrees of injuries.

Clearly, the experts of Team Origin had sustained significant injuries this time.

"Where is Murong Xue?" Liu Yan couldn't help but express his concern.

After all, Murong Xue had been with Liu Yan for a long time, and they had a good relationship. Naturally, Liu Yan cared deeply about Murong Xue.

Luo Qingcheng sighed and replied, "She is seriously injured. Although Chu Long has treated her and her injuries have improved, she is still fatigued. I advised her to rest and not to come over for now."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yan nodded slightly. He thought that Murong Xue's absence was due to fatigue and not an alarming situation.

Liu Yan looked at the group of experts from Team Origin, and most of them were wounded.

Even Allen Smith, who possessed formidable strength, had several wounds and appeared quite disheveled.

As one of the most outstanding experts among them, Alan Smith was seriously injured. It could be seen how difficult and dangerous the battle during the day was.

Liu Yan sighed, "Everyone has worked hard, and the injuries are quite severe."

Xu Han smiled and replied, "It's normal for us to be injured, considering that our opponents are the formidable Team Lighthouse. It's a good outcome as long as we're still alive."

Ye Yifan nodded in agreement, "Indeed, we are all gathered here without anyone missing. It's also a pretty good result."

Hans Wilson chimed in, "Injuries can be recovered with time. The only issue is if someone dies, then it's all for naught."

He Yang added, "Luckily, the opposing squad I faced was not too aggressive, or else we would have been in real trouble."

Jin Cheng shared, "Our Fifth Squad is in a rather difficult situation. The opposing squad consists of Lakonians who relentlessly pursued us, placing immense pressure on us and causing severe damage. If it weren't for the assistance of the Withered Tree Spirit and our captain, the Fifth Squad would have likely been wiped out."

Derek Dole sighed and said, "Given that our opponent is the formidable Lighthouse Territory, there is a significant gap in strength between us. Facing a stronger force, we are indeed under immense pressure."

Sun Wen added, "Fortunately, we made many preparations in advance and avoided direct confrontation with Team Lighthouse. Otherwise, we would have suffered heavy losses."

Zheng Tainan chimed in, "I almost died on the battlefield today. Two experts from Team Lighthouse chased me, and I couldn't defeat even one of them. They shamelessly ganged up on me. Fortunately, I was able to escape quickly!" At this moment, Zheng Tainan's arm was already broken, indicating that he had encountered considerable danger.

Liu Qing and Liu Ning wore expressions of lingering fear, showing their apprehension.

On the other hand, Shi Hao, despite his battered appearance and injuries all over his body, had an excited expression on his face. He exclaimed, "Today's fight was so thrilling! It's been a while since I experienced such intense combat. I feel like my strength has improved a lot!"

Upon witnessing this, everyone was speechless. Shi Hao and Allen Smith were both typical martial arts addicts.

Such a dangerous battle made others worry, but martial arts addicts like them found enjoyment in it.

However, everyone understood that it was through these battles that such martial arts addicts could gain more and improve their strength.

At this moment, Liu Yan turned to Luo Qingcheng and inquired, "How are the injuries in our team today? And..."

Liu Yan paused for a moment before continuing, "Have there been any casualties?"

With Liu Yan's question, the atmosphere immediately became serious.

In fact, that was indeed the case. No matter how many injuries they sustained, they could rely on the healing potions and the powerful priest Chu Long and other priests to help in their recovery.

No matter how serious the injury was, it could be healed.

However, if someone died in battle, there would be no solution, and they would be lost forever.

When they talked about this, everyone's expressions became a little serious.

After all, Team Origin had been in the Wind Barrier for over twenty days. Although they had encountered numerous dangers and engaged in several battles.

However, before today, Team Origin had not suffered any casualties.

In previous battles, Liu Yan and the core members of Team Origin had taken great care to prevent any casualties.

When assigning combat missions, they prioritized caution, allowing for injuries but striving to prevent any deaths.

However, the situation this time was different. After all, the opponent was the powerful Lighthouse Territory, a powerful territory with a level of 5. They had a gap in the lead with Team Origin.

Fighting against such a powerful opponent, it was inevitable that there would be casualties on Team Origin's side.

Everyone had expected such a situation, but no one dared to mention it, because even if they did, it would not change anything.

At this moment, all eyes turned to Luo Qingcheng, awaiting her response.

Facing Liu Yan and the group's gaze, Luo Qingcheng nodded with a serious expression. "I have just finished compiling the statistics. Firstly, regarding injuries, I did not include minor injuries. Almost every team member has sustained minor injuries, with only a handful remaining unharmed. Secondly, there are a considerable number of severe injuries. The count of members with severe injuries has reached 246, which amounts to two-thirds of the total number of members in Team Origin. Fortunately, Chu Long and her team are continuously providing treatment, and they should be able to heal everyone, albeit requiring some time. Lastly, there have been casualties. There were no casualties in the previous battles, but in the final round, casualties did occur. The First Squad lost one member, the Fourth Squad lost two, and the Fifth Squad suffered the most significant losses, with a total of seven casualties. Today's battle has resulted in the loss of ten invaluable members of Team Origin!"