When the werewolves started to crawl into the deep pit, Russ could feel the fear coming from his two teammates. He wasn't even close to them but their energy surrounding them was unsettling to say the least. It was as if they were telling him that this wasn't something that could easily be dealt with.

Which was why his cautious side had come out. In the first place, he was already more cautious compared to others. That was just how he was due to the way he had grown up. Not wishing to get picked out, he had turned into a creature that looked more like a Chrono. He was blending in with the others.

He watched carefully as the werewolves attacked using their big claws, their strength, speed and healing capabilities, all while deciding what would be the best way to take them out.

Similar to Sil, it was an advantage of Russ' power, as long as there were those around him with memories of strong beings, he could try and counter the current threat. After observing the Werewolves for a while, he had come to a conclusion.

Shadow began to surround Russ' body and soon after his body started to sink into the ground. He was using the shadow travel skill from Quinn's powers. With how dark it was, people weren't even able to see the shadow on the ground. action

Even the werewolves would ignore him now and continue to attack the others. This was the conclusion he had come up with, to not transform into anything, and to not take part in the fight.

Using the shadow travel to move away, Russ was moving to the areas where there was less fighting. It was an extremely large area so there were plenty of pockets where no one would be inside.

Although due to the large fights that were taking place, both werewolves and Chronos were being chucked all over the place. If the area was filled then people would be getting injured left, right, and centre just due to the large attacks and from the shockwaves of power that were going about.

Russ continued to observe, but he wasn't observing his teammates. Even though he had quickly come to the same conclusion as them. There were two options, they either needed to help the Chrono fight or use all of their strength to defeat the werewolves.

The problem with the latter, was if there were more enemies for them to face, and they hadn't even come across the one that was named the demon king. How were they meant to help Quinn if they were exhausted, they would just be getting in Quinn's way rather than helping him.

Through his observations, he noticed that the werewolves weren't heading to one area, nor were any of the Chrono. It was the area they had entered from. Just from a glance, he could tell the reason why as well, it was because the Champion Chrono Shinto, was still standing there.

He was standing around a foot into the pit. The cellar they were in, the entrance was slightly curved along with the shape of the pit, and it was an extremely wide area to cover. Yet not a single Chrono had attempted to run back into the cellar, nor had any of the werewolves gone to that particular area.

'The werewolves, although they look like wild beasts that are just acting on instinct, maybe that isn't the case.' Russ thought. 'Otherwise some would have gone after him as well. If they haven't, then it can only mean that they know his strength.

'Even the powerful werewolves are afraid of going near there. It was a good thing that we hadn't tried to face him directly.'

As time was passing Russ needed to mark a decision on how he would help out in all of this, more Chronos were dying and even though they might have been able to survive the rounds before, it seemed that either the werewolves were to strong for them this time, or there just weren't as many of them as there were the last times they had gone through all of this.

The least he could do was lower their numbers before they all needed to take part. That was until a thought had come into his mind.

'This should work out perfectly.'

Russ continued to use the shadow travel and he was moving slowly to the entrance. Rather than go where Shinto was standing, he went to one of the edges. Then going beyond Russ had actually made it back into the cellar area, and he had done so without Shinto realising.

He was either too focused on the fight going on, or Quinn's shadow travel really was that effective.

'Heck, if I've made it this far, should I just go ahead and head to the staircase. There should be no one blocking it anymore, so I can get out of this place.' Russ thought.

The thought went out of his head though, as there was a problem that he wouldn't be able to solve on his own. One, where would he go, he was in another world where perhaps everything wanted to kill him.

He was better off staying with those that wouldn't try and take his head off. The second reason was how would he even get back? Their ticket was either Peter or someone else figuring out some other way. I think you should take a look at

Deciding against the idea, Russ continued on with his original plan. Once far enough in the cellar he came out from his shadow travel skill, and used his powers once more, to summon a certain someone.

Shinto, for a while, had been looking through the crowd as best he could, he was searching for someone through the fights. However, the Chrono didn't have as good eyesight at night as the vampires or Werewolves did.

So he was only able to see the faces of the Chrono carefully when flashes of light would come from the attacks of the weapons and so on.

'I can't see him, did I just make him up? Have so many years gone by that I've really gone mad?' Shinto thought.

He wanted to go in further to get a closer look, but he was not to leave his post. The sound of footsteps was then heard from behind him. There shouldn't have been anyone behind him, he had checked before.

A part of him thought it might have been a trick, if he looked behind him, maybe someone would run through at that moment, but the temptation was too much, and there was a chance someone might have come in from the outside.

Turning his head, one word left his mouth.


Not replying back, not saying anything, Hinto ran forward right past Shinto, and into the mess of the fight that was going on. A werewolf came right at him, and with one of his Katana blades he swung down deflecting the attack to the ground, then with the other blade covered in black flames, he struck right at the neck of the qerewolf.

The werewolf was able to pull back in time and jump away, but the black flames stayed on its neck and continued to burn, as it continued to scream in pain.

"That's definitely Hinto, that's his skills and his attacks, how did he end up here… and now he was to fight against them." Shinto said to himself, his hands by his side were shaking, his fingers were twitching.

The use of the black flames were what had confirmed it to him. Not every Chrono could use this power, it was only the strongest and what were the chances of finding someone who looked like him, used the same weapons as him, and also were able to use the black flames.

The werewolf that had been attacked was in a desperate state. The Black flames were spreading from its neck and had already reached half of its face. It had tried to brush them away but the flames instead just spread to their hand and now were a part of it as well.

It was almost as if the Werewolf had realised at that point, that there was no way for it to get rid of the flames. A desperate attempt was made and it charged forward and attack. It ran on all fours and leapt up in the air. As it did, an axe came flying through the air, slashing right through the werewolf's neck. Its head fell to the floor along with its body sliding on the ground.

Shinto was seen huffing and panting, with one less axe in his hand. The champion had joined the fight, and Russ' plan had worked perfectly.



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