Chapter 2370 The hunting ground  

Charging through the portal Quinn had next to no hesitation. He had already made up his mind, he had gone through all of the possibilities, he had done everything he could to grow stronger, and it was as if the system he had with him from the start of all this agreed.

Giving him one more way to increase his powers, and that was by absorbing the blood of these great demon races. The creations of Immortui.

'If absorbing their blood can evolve my blood aura further, then the creator himself must be quite powerful, or at least have power to that level. I don't know the situation in the other world yet, but if I can get this last power up, attacking all those around him before fighting Immortui then it will be over.

'And if I can't, I still have another last resort.'

When entering through the portal, he could feel a barrier pushing him back, it was rejecting him at first but as he broke through, it was now almost trying to pull him in. He could see as he turned his head, the remnants of the other world closing, the portal itself disappearing.

'I have to be ready for anything, there's a good chance that Immortui could be waiting or nearby on the other side, I have to be ready to fight.'

Although Quinn felt like his body was being pulled into this other world, when the remnants of the last bit of the portal had closed, a strange occurrence had happened. An energy spiked from the last part, hitting Quinn's body.

At the same time, all of the energy in the air that was surrounding the place was moving towards him. Quinn swung his arm trying to hit it, but it did nothing; it was as if he was just hitting the air itself.

'This feeling is strange, it's as if my body is being pulled, but not my actual body, my insides.'

While having this feeling, suddenly it was as if Quinn was teleported, his whole body slingshotted. All of the pent up energy was exploding and he was suddenly travelling through the strange space.

He was hardly able to comprehend where he was moving as the energy was zapping his body again and slingshotting him to a completely different location, he was being zapped all over.

The feeling, it wasn't painful but more than anything it was annoying for Quinn as he felt like he wasn't in control.

'Do I try to suppress this strange energy with my own, or do I just let things take its course?' Quinn thought.

At the moment he didn't feel in danger, and wondered when this would stop. That's when he could feel the energy dissipating, it looked like there was only enough energy to bring him to one more place.

He was zapped and thrown through the air, he felt his whole body crash into the ground, and he continued to skid on the surface of the ground like a meteorite. His body continues to crash into large rocks breaking them, and trees.

Until it finally stopped, as Quinn' back had hit a large rock like mountain, that was dark red in colour.

'Okay... now that one did hurt a bit, it's a good thing I have a strong body, and this armour.' Quinn thought, still wearing all of the god slayer tier armour.

When the dust started to settle, Quinn was taking in the area around him. It honestly looked quite similar to the places that the vampires would choose to settle in. Quinn himself was in some type of forest, although the trees were ones he had never seen before.

They were large, gigantic in size, and the trunk of the tree wasn't the largest part of it, instead it was the branches that would swirl down. At the end of the trees there were also strange pieces of what he could only guess were fruit.

Then there were the dark red mountain tops that looked more like a giant ruby, including the one that he himself had crashed into. Finally, when he was looking at the destruction he had left in his path when coming here.

'Well, that will definitely get someone's attention, if there is anyone or anything in this place.' He thought.

His guess was spot on, as it didn't take long for him to hear the sound of footsteps coming toward him.

'1..2..there are three of them, and they're moving quite fast.'

With his eyes, Quinn was keeping track as they moved up and down the trees.

'They're really fast, faster than your average vampire.'

One had finally come down from the tree, and stood in front of Quinn allowing him to get a look at the creature in front of him, or more so the person. The thing that was standing in front of Quinn had a body similar to that of a human.

There were two legs, two arms, a torso and a head, however that was where the similarities had ended. The creature in front of him was dark blue skinned. There was clothing and pieces of armour, but it looked like something out of barbarian times since there was a lot of the flesh showing.

The most notable difference though was the face. The bottom half looked like a regular mouth and jaw, but from the nose up, it was as if the skull had grown out from the skin. It was a hard casing that stuck out.

It continued showing the rest of the head and there was no hair, then the skull continued, showing two sharp like horn structures on top of the head.

'Is this one of the demon races created by Immortui, like the vampires!' Quinn thought staying on guard, his shadow was creeping on the ground expanding out. Without taking part of its blood Quinn wouldn't know, nor what level it was at.

"Did someone get here before us?" The skull man asked, and took a peek behind Quinn. "No wait, that's not right, were you the one that crashed here?"

Jumping down from the trees, two more joined the skull man's side, and they looked similar to him, although their skulls were different shapes and sizes and so were the strange skull horns that would stick out of their head.

'I have to be careful of everything I meet in this world, but at the same time, I'm not being attacked yet, so it should be fine.'

"I haven't seen one like you, are you one of us?" One of the other tilting his head.

"Can you speak?" the first one that had landed asked Quinn. "You men asked.

"He looks like some, but he feels different ya know?" The other said, tilting his head.

"Can you speak?" the first one that had landed asked Quinn. "You haven't said a word, why did you crash here, in the middle of all of this."

There was a raised eyebrow at first from Quinn because he didn't understand the situation, but maybe this was a good thing. If he was to fight Immortui it would be best alone. He didn't want to gather the attention of all his followers and beings in a place like this.

So it would be best if he could just talk his way out of situations.

"I don't know." Quinn answered. "I was struck by some random energy source, it flung me all over the place, and eventually I crashed here."

"Wait, he survived a crash like that!" The smaller skull man said. "Hey, hey it's getting more and more likely that he's a demon. It might be best if we just step away from this whole thing."

The words had caught Quinn's attention.

'They are referring to me as a demon? Does it mean these guys aren't with Immortui, or do they use that word to refer to someone else?'

"If he is a demon, he doesn't look like a strong one. Maybe he was just lucky."

"If we just ask you, you won't tell us if you're a demon or not, but regardless, if he is one, then it's clear that he isn't one from here. Otherwise we would be dead by now, at least he's not a demon taking part in the hunting ground."

"The hunting ground?" Quinn repeated, wondering just what was going on in this other world. Regardless, he had one goal, to get to and defeat Immortui.

