Andy was using his strength as best as he could, he was swinging his large sword knocking the vampires out, but he was careful to use the unbladed edge, he didn't want to harm them, and in doing so it was proving quite difficult.

He jumped back in the air, and several blood swipes came toward him, swinging the great sword he smashed his sword through the blood swipes landing back on the ground.

'They're covering for each other, and it looks like they got quite a high supply of blood as well. Every time that I'm busy knocking one person out, they're healing the others. Going up against this many is harder than I thought, especially when I'm trying to not kill them.'

One of the vampires came in fast, faster than he expected, but with his fast reflexes, Andy was able to grab his hand and twist it under him, and hitting it with the bottom of his sword, he smashed the bones in the vampire's arm.

After a kick sending him to the ground, he used his string ability and started to tie him up.

'This could work, If I injure them to this point and then…' With the tied up vampire, Andy threw him behind him, as he was starting a pile, and then standing in front of the tied up vampire, he was going to try and stop anyone from getting close.

A swing of his sword, a punch, a kick, and then tying up again, one by one Andy was doing his job as he tied them up. Swinging his sword once more trying to hit one of the vampire's arms, before it clashed a strike came out full of blood aura hitting the sword dead on at an angle causing it to swing up into the air.

Andy was quite surprised, although he wasn't using his full strength for fear of killing the vampires, someone was able to deflect the attack, although his surprise soon came to an end when he realised who it was.

"Barbra!" Andy called out.

She stood there, with beast gear on both her hands. They were a set of claws that would extend out from the knuckles, they were glowing with a bright red colour, and an immense amount of heat was coming out of them.

'If I remember correctly, Barbra is one of the few that has a demon tier beast weapon in her possession.' Andy thought.

"Barbra, I can see that you aren't possessed like the others, but you have the marking on your head." Andy stated. "How could you do this, how could you willingly go against and kidnap one of your own? Why are you doing this?"

"I have my reasons Andy!" Barbra stated back. "One life, for the sake of bringing back those I care about, is that not good enough."

She charged forward with both of the clawed hands creating flames behind her. At last, she swung it toward Andy, and a spiral came out from them. Lifting his sword up he blocked the spiral of flames. But felt a stabbing pain in his right side that was starting to heat up.

Slamming his foot on the ground, the whole metallic structure started to shake slightly, while Barbra was trying to balance herself, Andy was able to pull out of that position. Blood splattered onto the ground, and the inside of Andy felt like he was heating up slightly, but he was still standing strong.

"You have been blinded with whatever he has promised you." Andy said. "We all have lost those we care about. I even lost my mother, do you think that I don't want to bring her back?

"But can't you see… Jessica's life is not ours to take. It's not fair to do trades like that, and her life is not the only one that has been lost. What about those in her squad? What about the ones that have been possessed? All of them have lost their lives, all of them trusted you as their boss, and look at what you have done!"

Andy came charging in, and he swung his sword, in the middle of his swing, he could see several of the other vampires approach him from the side. He had to quickly adjust himself, as he let go of the sword for a moment, and ducked down avoiding their hits.

With his two fists, he punched one in the gut, sending him flying up in the air off in the distance somewhere on the island, and quickly turned and hit the other on the head. as he did, his head slammed into the ground, and the vampire was no longer moving.

'Crap… in my haste I hit him a bit too hard… that one is now dead.' Andy thought.

It was what he had been trying to avoid this whole time, but in a desperate situation what else could he do? Now that he had somewhat gotten rid of those that were close to him, around the area, he could focus on Barbra.

'Wait, where is she, where did she go?' Andy thought as he looked around.

There were crowds of vampires in his way, blocking him from trying to locate her, and he was sure that she would be up to no good. These vampires, most of them were like a hive mind working together, but the ones they really needed to worry about were the vampires that were like Magnus and Barbra, the ones that had free thinking to do as they wished.


In the meantime, both Logan and Agent 4 had landed on the outskirts of the facility. They were slowly approaching the area. Trying to not get noticed by the vampires around them.

In Agent 4's hand he had a device that was glowing red. It looked like a piece a lipstick in his hand but with a glowing red end. While creeping onto the arena part, Agent 4 knelt down and looked at the special symbol that was engraved.

"Now, all I need to do is alter all of these… that should take… a bit of time." Agent 4 said.

"You know, I have a vast mind but and I have the knowledge of Eno, but I have never been able to quite understand these symbols fully. It amazed me how you are able to comprehend this." Logan commented.

"That's because your mind is too straight forward thinking." Agent 4 replied, while continuing to alter the symbol on the ground. "You see, for you things need to make sense in your head, you have to understand the reason behind every action, but with this, sometimes there is no need.

"It's more of an artist expressing themselves, which is why its harder for you to understand."

A vampire at that moment had approached them, which had startled Agent 4 quite a bit. He had paused, messing up the symbol he was drawing as he wanted to pull out a certain device from his pocket.

Before the vampire could reach them though, a laser blasted him away, right in the stomach.

"I will keep to my own inventions." Logan said, his hand having converted into a blaster. Beast energy was used for the power output, and dealing with these vampires they would have no problem at all. "You just keep expressing your art."

Agent 4 carried on with Logan helping out, that was until a certain vampire came their way, Logan fired his blaster toward her, but with her deadly claws she ripped through the laser blast attack, and then swinging her own claw hand a spiral of flames went right toward Logan.

His arm started to change into that of a metallic shield and as the tornado flame hit, the fire dispersed up but started to push him back.

"It seems that she is quite a strong one, should I start worrying a little bit now?" Agent 4 said. He had pulled out the weapon he was planning to use before.

One of the inventions that had been created by Pure in the past, it was a Qi gun, using it, it used the Qi from the person and fired it out right toward the vampire, but she was too fast avoiding all of the hits.

'She can tell where the bullets are going even if they are invisible, maybe she can sense the power in the air currents or something… this might become difficult for us.' Agent 4 thought.

Logan was getting ready to act, he was planning for a tough battle ahead of them, that was until a set of strings were tied around the woman's hands, they then tied around her legs as well, and she was being pulled back and slowed down.

Landing right in front of her, Andy was there, with red blood strings in one hand and the large sword in the other.

"There is no way for you to break these strings based on the way I have tied you up." Andy stated. "Barbra, I didn't want to do this… I didn't want to kill you, but I can see you are willing to do whatever you can for your goal.

"But most of all, the reason I didn't want to kill you, is because I knew Jessica would be upset at your loss… I'm sorry."

Andy raised his hand, and it grew in size, it swung down the giant sword. Barbra was gathering her blood aura, trying to break the strings they were withering away, but Andy was able to use more strings to tie her up.

There were vampires that were attempting to help her, but both Agent 4 and Logan continued to blast them away, knowing full well that they needed to get rid of this vampire.

The large blade went right down the centre of Barbra, finishing her off there and then… she had been killed.

Andy was only able to stay in silence for a second, that was all he could give her on this battfiled.

"You two… you need to get to work and fast… I don't want to keep killing my own kind, please close that portal up." Andy requested, as he went off continuing his struggle.


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