If Bi De had learned anything about the world, it was that goodbyes always came.

Some were minor things that one didn’t take much notice of. Things like seeing Disciple Gou Ren off on his hunts, or bidding farewell to Tigu when she went to explore the forests.

Others were more formal, such as when somebody had to go to Verdant Hill and chores needed to be covered in their absence. There was no uncertainty in those goodbyes. They were formalities, for you would see them again soon.

But if one were searching for the greatest of goodbyes, it was to be found in the final ones… The goodbyes when one knew somebody was leaving to do something dangerous, and you were not entirely sure that they would return to you. They were full of things unsaid, and an undercurrent of worry, yet… and yet how a person handled such goodbyes was fascinating to Bi De.

“Remember your training and listen to your seniors, my student. They shall keep you out of trouble,” Bi De instructed the Torrent Rider, his disciple nodding seriously at the rooster’s words.

“Yes, Master!” he said, accompanied with an approving yip from his dog beside him. His rooster mask and wolf pelt were hanging off his back, along with his Torrent Riding board. His spear, once a cheap mortal weapon, was now something to be proud of. Its haft was made from a sturdy limb of one of Fa Ram’s trees, saturated in the Qi of the Great Master, Wa Shi, and Chun Ke. It had been emblazoned by Tigu and Xiulan with an ancient charm of protection and courage. Its blade was steel—crafted of iron dredged up by Huo Ten, fired in a furnace lit by Yin’s solar Qi, and forged by Tie Delun.

Bi De was quite embarrassed to hear it be named Moon Spur, but the young man had been adamant.

His form matched his new attire. Bi De’s disciple had grown like a weed. He was already getting over his awkward, gangly stage, and was turning into a powerful young man. Everyday he trained with the methods Bi De had given him, and his diligence had been rewarded.

“Stand tall, Zhang Fei. I have every faith in your capabilities.”

Zhang Fei blushed as Bi De hopped up onto his shoulder and preened his beak through the boy’s shaggy hair.

He looked out from his perch to look upon the others.

Tigu was rocking Xiao De back and forth in her arms as she whispered soothing words to the babe, who seemed happy but confused about what was going on.

Yin placed a kiss on Miantiao’s head, her hair once more loose and her shirt today a bit more open like Tigu. She noticed Bi De watching her and smiled brightly, her expression like the sun. She had spent all morning with Bi De in her lap, amused at how she could hold him—and how much better she was doing when they sparred.

Xianghua had Gou Ren and Bowu in a hug and was whispering in their ears. Beside her was a cart filled with six Steam Furnaces ready to be delivered back to her sect. Bowu himself would be staying, refusing for the moment to return.

Loud Boy was rearranging his pack, as Wa Shi, the lazy fish, had only just completed a set of math problems for him. The boy looked a bit harried as he stuffed his full pack fuller, but he was appropriately grateful for the scrolls… as well as the choice selection of berries that was given to him.

Rags was absently scratching Chun Ke’s chin as he stared out over Fa Ram, his own pack filled with seeds for his “gang”. In his other hand, he was toying with his Qi, the unrefined form of the Great Master’s Qi infusion technique dancing around his fingers.

Delun was helping Huo Ten pack his belongings in another cart; the monkey was relying on them to escort him back to his own Master.

Finally, Cai Xiulan was before Master Shen.

“Master Shen. Thank you again for letting us use these crystals,” Xiulan said.

The old man waved her off. “I’ve no use for them, girl. It's a trifle.”

“Even so. Thank you.”

The old man harrumphed and waved her off again.

Xiulan smiled, lowering her eyes one last time, and turned to the Great Master and the Healing Sage, who were both looking on at the proceedings with strange looks on their faces. There was pride in their smiles, but a small bit of concern in their eyes.

Xiulan stepped forward and both embraced her. Her eyes closed and she slumped for just a moment, relaxing. And then, she rose again. Strength filled her form as she stepped back, her crystal blue eyes sparking with a kind of hidden power.

“Call me if you need me. I’ll come, no matter what,” Master Jin whispered.

Cai Xiulan nodded, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. “Don’t worry, Junior Brother. I’ll be sure to ask for help if I need it.”

He nodded, a smirk on his face at Xiulan’s ribbing, and Xiulan turned her attention to the Healing Sage. “Keep our bed warm for me,” she said, a cheeky smile on her face; Meiling simply laughed. Xiulan smirked back, before taking a breath. “It's time.”

Slowly, the conversations ceased. Last minute hugs were received and, in Xianghua’s case, a slightly too enthusiastic kiss that had Yun Ren heckling his brother. The dreamy look on Xianghua’s face and the victorious one on Gou Ren’s was most amusing.

Bi De ran his beak through the Torrent Ridder’s hair one last time then leapt away, landing on the Great Master’s shoulder. Those who would be departing today lined up opposite those who would be staying, at the Great Gates of Fa Ram. Their carts were full, and their packs filled near to the bursting with food and medicine, supplied by the Great Master and the Healing Sage.

The sun was bright as they stood at the precipice of this place and the outside world.

“We’ll cook up a feast when you get back,” the Great Master promised, forming his hand into a fist and bringing it up in a martial salute.

Those who would soon journey out into the world mirrored the gesture.

“We’ll be back soon,” Cai Xiulan promised them, and Bi De could see, within each of their reflected eyes, the conviction which filled their hearts.

Two lines saluted each other. And then, Xiulan’s group picked up their carts, turned around, and began their journey down the road and off into the distance. The newly sewn character for Azure stared from their backs.

“See you later!” the Great Master shouted.

“See you later!” came the returning cry.

Bi De found that it was much better to leave goodbyes open-ended, rather than something final.


Three days after the group of Dandelions left, Shen Yu proclaimed that it was time for them to go as well.

Shen Yu had delayed for a few days longer, spending that time walking around the property with Bi De’s Master and showing him the wards the old man and Lu Ri had created that could warn of intruders that managed to defeat the Healing Sage’s nose.

But that night… that night, Bi De had his Master all to himself. Ri Zu was curled up with the Healing Sage, the two of them reading over medical notes together. While Ri Zu had just finished her own training on the completed formation and would be able to perform the demonic Qi removal should the old man need it, she never found a shortage of things to study with her Mistress.

Bi De hoped that the same would hold true for himself and his Master.

They were seated, not on the porch of the house as where the Great Master normally sat, but instead in the small garden of Gou Ren’s house, built as it was on the same place where the Great Master had constructed his first shack. There was something nostalgic about it, and Gou Ren had been full of good humour when they explained why they were sitting there.

It was the place where they had first broken ground, and the place where Bi De had first awakened.

If he was honest, he did miss it a bit. Life had been so uncomplicated back then. It had just been him and his Master against the world, taming the land and fighting off interlopers. It had been a simple and pure existence.

But as much as he missed it… he was glad that things had changed. He really had been such an arrogant little shit.

“Man. Things have changed, huh?” his Great Master said after a while, his eyes on the stars. There was a cup of wine in his hand and another one beside Bi De. His Master appeared slightly maudlin.

“Indeed, they have,” Bi De replied.

Master Jin turned to Bi De, his eyes focusing on his form. Bi De’s feathers glowed underneath the light of the moon, resplendent, and the man smiled.

“You were a big surprise, you know? When I got here, I wasn’t expecting to have a chicken that talked,” his Great Master said. “All of my plans had me living mostly like a mortal, you know? I wanted nothing to do with cultivation. I thought I had left it all behind… until you showed me that dead rat, at least.”

“It must have been quite the shock,” Bi De replied. Bi De knew that it must have been more than simply shocking. That it must have been hard, to suddenly realise that he was responsible for more than just base beasts. And yet there was a reason he called the man his Great Master.

There was a job that needed doing: protecting and guiding several young beasts. And so his Master had done it, without hesitation or complaint.

“It was. It really was. I just about shit myself!” The man laughed. “But really, I should have known. You were way too smart to just be a chicken. I was just…. denying things. Man, I was kind of dumb, eh?”

“I do not think so. It was not like I made too much of an effort to communicate. And I was… faded, back then. There were times when I was just a bird. It was strange.”

His Great Master nodded, his eyes on Bi De. “From the little man fighting a fox to investigating demonic corruption. You’ve grown so much from a chick just getting his wattles.”

“I had a good Master to guide me the entire way.”

The man sighed, but smiled all the same. Truly, Bi De’s Lord was getting better at taking compliments.

“…you were my first real friend in this world, you know? The first person I could really call my buddy. The first person I could really trust. I look back on all of it… and I can’t see this place without you.” It was Bi De’s turn to flush. “So… come back safe, okay?

“I will,” Bi De promised his Master. “Some of us are destined to scatter like seeds and to wander this earth; yet we always will return to our paradise. Just as you cannot imagine this Bi De gone… I do not think anyone can imagine Fa Ram without you.”

“Then we’ll just both have to be fine, when you come back.”

“Indeed, we shall.”

His Great Master chuckled and patted his shoulder.

Bi De was only too happy to oblige him as they sat under the stars, reminiscing about the past.


And then, it was his turn to leave. Himself, Ri Zu, Shen Yu, Yun Ren, and Nezan.

“Have a good time, old man. And get me a souvenir or something,” Master Jin demanded.

The old man roared with laughter and shook his head. “I’ll get you the most amazing thing, boy, just you wait! You’ll be in awe of your present, you brat! Mark my words!”

“I betcha it's gonna be a pile of monster shit,” the Great Master deadpanned.

Master Shen froze. “No! Of course it won't be!” His voice was entirely unconvincing.

His Master smiled and shook his head. “See you soon, old man.”

“See you soon, my boy. And you too, granddaughter. I’ll miss your lovely tongue, no matter how deep it cuts!”

“Gross,” the Healing Sage replied, eliciting a fresh round of laughter.

They kept chuckling as they departed, Yun Ren collecting a clap on his shoulder and a hug on his way down towards the road. Bi De felt something almost guiding them, sending them on their way—little wisps of gold promising protection. Pointing in the direction of Tigu and Xiulan, pointing the way back to Fa Ram, twisting and crossing.

Through all those golden paths… they would find their way back together again.

Bi De let out a cry, the noise reverberating over the hills as his own goodbye.

“You Tell ‘em Bi De!” His Master’s voice replied.

All roads lead home eventually.