551. Sylvester, Chonky & Squishes

The discussion with Louis and Griffin lasted two more hours, and they talked about almost everything that had occurred in their lives. Since the two boys hailed from noble families of Riveria and remained loyal to Sylvester's side of the Holy Land, their families had suffered at Conrad's hands.

More meddling by the royal court, fewer allocations of funds, and the imposition of fines and taxes made things much more problematic despite their families being near the Trade Corridor. So, they decided to stay in the Inquisitor Army and keep climbing the social ladder, hoping to wield enough power someday to protect their families.

But all that was now unnecessary since Sylvester had already slain Conrad, and a new King was in place.

"I will tell King Kaecilius to undo everything Conrad did to your families and help them regain their past trade. However, King Kaecilius and I remain undeterred in ending every kind of slavery, as well as serfdom-I hope you can convey this to your families. In the new world I have envisioned, no one will be forced to do something they do not wish to do: Sylvester sternly warned them while extending a hand of help.

After all, both boys had the talent to become Grand Wizards someday and were destined to be the Holy Land's new Guardians. By helping their families, their loyalty was strengthened.

"We already believe in that: Griffin said as he brushed his short blond hair with his hand. "After staying in Beastaria for so long and seeing humans enslaved by elves, dragons, and even dwarves... we know it's a sin that won't stop unless we take the first step."

Sylvester appreciated that He genuinely liked the two since they were also his fellow God's Favored candidates, which meant they were not only highly talented in magic but also in intellect. And conversing with intelligent as well as straightforward people was always a delight.

"Then, I will see you again later. Just get the leftover Inquisitors healed and gather all the Solarium Light Beams. I will be going on a quick journey to investigate this demon first and then make plans accordingly," Sylvester dismissed the small meeting as Avanss was waiting. "You two leave first'

"May the Holy Light enlighten us, Your Holiness." They saluted.

"Just Sylvester... at least until it's official," Sylvester patted both their shoulders and sent them out.

Afterward, he looked around and walked over to the haystack. He picked up sleepy Miraj, propped him over his shoulder like a sack of rice, and walked out after erasing the elder runes. He arrived at the main building where the Elders of Greenville city sat and spoke with them about the demon in the Divider Swamp. It was less of a call for help and more of a warning, so they wouldn't go there or send someone there.

"The dragons know about this, as well as the elves,' Sylvester told them. "Until we come to a joint solution to this issue, please avoid that region at all costs"

Afterward, he returned to the sick bay and found Avanss sitting outside the building, having finished his work inside. The elven man was busy writing something in his journal, a usual sight Sylvester had observed during the period.

"What do you even write in your journal?' Sylvester asked him.

Avanss smiled and closed it. "Every elf has to leave behind a legacy. That is what I believe in. With our long lifespans, we are blessed to see the world changing before our very eyes—it'd be a shame not to record it."

Sylvester shrugged, as even Sir Dolorem wrote a journal. "Let's move, but in different directions. You return to Alfia and inform the King about the demon and its powers. Tell him not to act until I send another report with a more detailed review and an initial strategy."

Avanss frowned and quickly stood up. "I can't allow you to go there alone. It's too dangerous.'

Sylvester shook his head. "Avanss, I'm the strongest when I am alone. Because then I'll have complete control over everything around me—I can assess the situation and react accordingly since unnatural variables would not exist. However, with you around, I'd have to factor in your strengths and abilities. Not to mention, alone, I can unleash my full power if the need arises."

"But..." Avanss couldn't bring himself to agree just like that. "What would I tell the King? That I let you face the demon, who can probably consume you? He'll rip out all my hair with his bare hands!' 1

Sylvester chuckled upon hearing that. "Don't worry. I'm not planning on facing it anytime soon. My main target is to study it and stop Darksaber before he foolishly becomes a Demon's meal. lust to assure you, I promise to speak with you mentally every sunrise and sunset." 5

Avanss didn't like it. He was Sylvester's uncle, and it was his responsibility to guide him around Beastaria. After all, the demon wasn't the only danger there. Wild creatures, strange phenomena, and countless experts of various species littered the lands. Vampires, werewolves, and other smaller but deadly species were everywhere.

However, when he looked at Sylvester, he didn't find a hint of fear or uncertainty. It was as if the whole world was under his watch and control—already knowing the outcomes of every little deed around him.

Compared to him, despite being older, he felt small.

"Do you know why many elves despise humans?" Avanss asked and answered immediately. "It's because of envy. Humans live short lives yet achieve so much—love, family, and power."

Sylvester could sense his emotions but decided not to comment on that for now. "I'll see you later, near the Deca Impede"

The main task of finding the blue tree near the crescent was still Sylvester's primary focus. Without it, he couldn't enter the Holy Land, and whatever the mystery was, he knew it was going to be a significant revelation.

Avanss nodded, having to agree in the end. "I'll look around for a way inside until then. Take care and stay in touch"

Sylvester, however, embraced the man in a brotherly hug while patting his back. Clearly, Sylvester was more mentally mature than Avanss. 'That's how we say farewell.'

Avanss smiled and left for Alfia soon after. Opting for a sea route instead of walking. As for Sylvester, he quickly gathered some supplies and rested for the night.


Meanwhile, in Greenpeaks, where the dragons lived, the Council of Dragonlords gathered to discuss the Demon as Elder Krakazan returned.

The Council of Dragonlords was a governing body made up of three dragon kings and six elders, two from each faction. They controlled the allocation of resources such as mountains, new mineral veins, or when to declare war. Of course, they also lacked harmony among themselves, as their pride got in their way—but the council was a creation out of necessity when the Thousand Year War with Sol began.

Inside a hollow mountain, there existed giant halls where the Councilmen rested and worked whenever a gathering was held. In the middle of the mountain was the biggest hall with a ceiling going as high as the height of the mountain itself.

Gold decorated the many walls, show pieces, and furniture, while the light Crystals illuminated the vicinity. In the middle sat the ten council members, some of them in their full dragon form and some in their transformed humanoid form.

"Are you completely sure about this, Elder Krakazan? If that demon is able to do this, it would explain how King Gargantua lost his eldest son." Spoke one of the three kings, this one pale-blue skinned, armored with his own growing and protruding scales. His wings spanned wide behind him while two horns curved on his head.

King Gargantua, another Dragon King but in his full-sized form, nodded his colossal head. "King Egomorius, his last location was above the Divider Swamp. Then... this means the demon has absorbed my son's power? Elder Karakazan, is this elf useful? What was his name again? Zoror

"Zohron, Your Majesty' Elder Karakazan answered with a sense of loathing as well as respect in his heart. "He is at least a late-stage Grand Wizard, considering how he defeated me. However, even when given a chance, instead of killing me, he healed me using precious potions. 'we are enemies by nature, not by choice—against Sol, we will need the help of our Dragon friends; he said

"Interesting..." Spoke the third Dragon King, King Malisius, transformed into a smaller body, and yet he remained ten feet tall. His red scales oozed a sense of rageful, wrathful aura—power unlike any other. "You said he was a spy in Sol?"

"T-That's right, Your Majesty! Elder Karakazan showed more respect to him than the others. "He told me before bidding farewell, that he will inform the King of the elves. He hoped that we could wait and take action together

"Huh—they require our might to battle a mere Demon' King Malisius scoffed. "But they are right in their own way. We don't know how powerful that demon is, or how many experts it has consumed in its life. If the need arises, we might need a few sacrificial fools to feed it—this could be a great opportunity."

The other two kings smiled like madmen, their draconic jaws stretching into a smile that revealed their sharp teeth.

"After the elves are weakened..' Dragon King Egomorius muttered, his eyes full of greed.

"Beastaria shall be ours!" The big Dragon King, Gargantua, added.

However, the strongest of them, King Malisius, remained silent and merely observed his fellow kings. Being the strongest of them and yet having to share the throne wasn't to his liking, after all.

He just smiled. 'Such naiveness—there was never 'ours'... only mine"


The sunrise came, and Sylvester headed out of the Beastkin's city with the first ray of light touching the lands. He walked right toward the Northeast, taking a rowing boat up the Bliss River that would bring him near the edge of the high ridge which overlooked the Divider Swamp.

It was just him alone on the river, rowing. Meanwhile, Miraj sat in front of him, facing the stream and enjoying the wind hitting his face.

"Maxy" Miraj suddenly stood up on his hind legs and looked at Sylvester. "After a whole night, I've done it... I wrote a song."

Sylvester chuckled, enjoying his constant source of peace and entertainment. "Fire it up then... let's see what you got." "Ehm! Miraj coughed and cleared his throat before starting.

Maxy the bright, and Chonky the white.

I may be a chunky boy, but I'm very light.

Don't you mess with us. We can really fight.

We are the dad and son. Our bond is tight!

At that, Miraj started dancing while wiggling his waist, moving like waves. He looked left and right, jumped on the boat, on Sylvester's head, and down again.

My Maxy is also a great inventor.

Before his power, all can only surrender.

My Maxy, he's a blessing sender.

Minds of all, he penetrates and enters.

Sylvester's brows twitched as Miraj messed up the phrasing a little bit. But he let it slide and just enjoyed watching the fine young furry boy dancing and looking at the beautiful field of flowery riverbanks they passed by.

Nya Nya, bad-bad lands I walk with you.

Move aside, Chonky and Maxy comin' through.

Nyaaaaa... that big flower is so blue.

We live our lifuuuu on the edge of knifuuuu

With that, Miraj finished his song and bowed his head. He then looked at Sylvester's face with his big blue eyes. His chubby cheeks were puffed with pride. 'How was it, Maxy?'

Sylvester suddenly stopped rowing and shifted closer to Miraj. 'That was beautiful... I feel like squishing you now.'

"N00000-" Miraj protested but was instantly scooped up by Sylvester. "Let me g000~~~"

Sylvester hugged the hell out of Miraj. "Chonky, you're the greatest cheerleader in the world'

"My fur... you're wrinkling it, Maxy'

Sylvester didn't stop. "You mean squish me more?"

"N0000-" Miraj complained, although also giggling since he loved it too." I hate squishes"

Sylvester chuckled and let him go, but not before squishing Miraj's cheeks one last time with his hand. "I can't wait for a peaceful life after all this is over'

Miraj nodded strongly. "Aye, Aye... Me, you, Big Mum, Dol Dol—we'll be happy forever!"

Sylvester simply smiled, not reminding Miraj that humans couldn't live forever. Immortality was only Miraj's curse to bear.

"Agreed—then we shall have squish nights every single night:' Sylvester sighed and began rowing again, but this time he started to sing—a song of hope and spring.